Adriana is originally from Moldova, came to England in 2016. She worked in a fruit and vegetable sorting factory in St Austell.
On the 13th of January 2018, Adriana was spending her day off together with friends in the town center. All of them needed to cross the road at some point, so they used the pedestrian crossing. Suddenly a car at speed drove out onto the pedestrian crossing and hit Adriana. She fell to the ground and hit her head on the tarmac. She lost consciousness as a result.
Adriana was taken to the hospital where she underwent surgery. She sustained a serious head injury, concussion and various bruises across her body.
A close friend of Adriana called it happens with a request to help her just three days after the incident. An employee at it happens immediately attended the hospital where She met and learned from the doctors about her successful operation.
The process of preparing the claim in such serious cases takes quite a long time. Although it happens managed to deal with it pretty quickly. The evidence which was meticulously gathered in a timely manner which left the defendant no chance other than to admit liability for the accident in full.
The next stage of the process was to have Adriana examined by various medical experts whose responsibility was to establish the period of time required for her full recovery. At the same time, it happens prepared the evidence of Adriana’s financial losses associated with the loss of her job, as well as additional costs resulted from the accident.
Sometime later, upon the completion of necessary medical examinations, Adriana decided to return to Moldova. The final part of the process took place while she was abroad. Upon the receipt of the compensation, the money was transferred into her bank account.
The whole process lasted two years and seven months. The compensation received by Adriana totaled £28,000.00. She still lives in Moldova and has recently got married. Congratulations from it happens team!